SourceImage: benrobinsonvisuals.com

SourceImage: benrobinsonvisuals.com
Ball Park Music have been described as “top of the pack” of rising Brisbane bands, and have recently scored themselves a spot at the 2011 Gold Coast Big Day Out. Ball Park Music have a number of achievments under their belt, having played alongside Aussie greats Cloud Control and Philadelphia Grand Jury, international greats, Radiohead, as well as just wrapping up an Australian tour with the Hungry Kids of Hungary. They launched their second EP, Conquer The Town, Easy As Cake, in May this year and have their single, iFly, humming on the lips of fans nationwide. Their new single, Sad Rude Future Dude, is just the right amount of naughty; with the ‘f-bomb’ scratched off the list (iFly uses the word three times in each chorus), sex is now the new kid on the block.
“Sad Rude Future Dude is a little more civilised than iFly, but still catchy. It’s a bit naughty in the chorus so I think people who liked iFly will like this one too” says Jen Boyce, the band’s bass guitarist. And judging by the increasing interest in this delightful bunch of people, it’s safe to say Ball Park Music has well and truly arrived.
Ripe suggests you get on this band wagon. It’s a good ride.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ball-Park-Music/41721658271
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